There has never been a time in Real Estate that didn't have an opportunity for someone to be successful. Either those that are successful make the necessary changes to adapt to current conditions. Or the ones who were successful change (as no longer in the business type of change).
As many of you know, I love riding my motorcycle this time of year. Last week while on the way to work a minivan was at a stop sign waiting to turn left onto Wilson Pike. I had my turn signal on and proceeded to turn left onto the street the mini van was stopped on. Right when I started turning left, the minivan pulled out which forced me to over correct but somehow missed the van and didn't lay my bike down. What was shocking to me was that I knew the driver had seen me before deciding to pull out in front of me. The reason she stopped was that her small child in his child seat saw that they were about to hit me and screamed, "Stop!" Yes, that's how close it was in that I could see the startled expression and screams of the child.
That night an article about motorcycle crashes caught my eye. It turns out that the number one reason for motorcycle crashes is due to someone pulling out left, in front of an oncoming motorcycle. It is called perception failure.
Drivers concentrate on what they expect to see (like cars and street signs), and don't see what is actually there. The failure to see a fully visible, but unexpected, object because attention is focused on another task is called inattentional blindness. You may have seen the test for this on YouTube:
Our past experiences also teach us what is relevant. Errors occur when new or unusual circumstances happen in highly familiar situations. Expectation has a powerful effect on our ability to pay attention and notice information.
So if we expect that the solutions to being successful in Real Estate today are to continuing doing what you have always done then there is a good chance you may be suffering from inattentional blindness. I personally see this blindness flourishing in our industry today.
Just compare the top 50 Realtors and the top 50 Loan Officers today to those who consistently held those ranks for the past 5 years. We are at the moment when those who had consistent success could make a decision to remove the blinders and completely rebuild their business model.
Sometimes I find myself talking with someone who has built a solid plan for 2012. They show me how their plan will not just be compliant with Dodd Frank but rather embrace, compliment, and flourish under Dodd Frank financial reform.
So don't be the mother driving the mini van who ignored what she saw coming. But rather be the child in the rear seat who screamed out for change.
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